Kat Jenkins has let her young son, Ethan, go on an overnight field trip with his class. When she wakes up in the middle of the night to the sound of a policeman pounding on her door, she prays it has something to do with her ex and not their child but that's not the case. Ethan is missing. The authorities have come up empty-handed and the search dogs have lost his scent in the mountain forest. Another mother, Stef Huntington, whose child is in Ethan's class and on the same field trip doesn't know much about Kat but her son's disappearance affects her own life in a big way.
I really liked The Marriage Lie and I enjoy Kimberly Belle's writing so obviously this book was good! I was hooked from the very first page. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. What happened to Ethan?! Lots of suspense and tension. I did see some things coming a mile away, and it did start to unravel for me towards the end, but overall this was an entertaining read that held my attention and had me looking forward to when I could pick it back up. I liked reading from Kat's perspective as well as Stef's and I liked how they were woven together. I can't wait for more from this author.